This past weekend we packed up and drove to McCall's pumpkin patch and what fun it was to see Turner take in the sites. Everyday he is more funny and amazing. The patch was more crowed than I have ever seen it, but it was fantastic either way. Turner very much enjoyed the farm animals, except for when they had their faces in his, he didn't want any part of that. He went down an interesting slide and I still don't know how he really felt about that adventure. The line to catch the hay ride to get to the actual pumpkin patch was long, but moved quickly. Turner loved the pumpkin patch and picked out too many pumpkins. We ended up with 3 very large pumpkins and 1 small one, needless to say it was very difficult for John and I to get Turner, the bag, and the pumpkins back to to the departing hay ride. We soon realized that we had gone too far back in the patch and it was not as easy to get out whilst toting the pumpkins. Much to my surprise, Turner konked out on the ride back, very cute though.
The 19th was my birthday, the day we went to the patch, but I don't say that to tout, but to say that I had one of the best birthdays that I can ever remember. Although I got a killer gift (an iPhone) it was the intangible things that really made the day extraordinary, like the time I had with Turner and John. It was relaxing, exciting, fun, and amazing all at once.